[Chicago] MeetUp

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Fri Jun 27 00:22:34 CEST 2008

On Jun 26, 2008, at 5:45 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:

> Ishmael Rufus wrote:
>> Ian:
>> Could you clarify why Meetup is not very helpful about being one  
>> announcement location among many?
> It has seemed to me that it always acts as the canonical location  
> for information, even when it is not.

Hence the concern about turning into the "Chicago Python Meetup".   
They also seem lame about taking down defunct groups (should Ishmael  
disappear as suddenly as he appeared, say).  Do they let you link to  
your own site in notification emails, say?

My unofficial tally is:

1 person suggesting (Brian)
1 person willing to pay (Ishmael)
1 person in favor but really wanting earlier notification
many people opposed, in various degrees of strenuousness and for  
various reasons (everyone else).

Sound about right?

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