[Chicago] [get.theinfo] Announcing Datahub 0.7

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Mon Jan 12 11:46:18 CET 2009

This looks great!

I notice on the website it says it is open-source - out of interest,
what license is it under?


On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Lukasz Szybalski <szybalski at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://lucasmanual.com/mywiki/DataHub
>  *Datahub is a tool that allows faster download/crawl, parse, load,
> and visualize of data. It achieves this by allowing you to divide each
> step into its own work folders. In each work folder you get a sample
> files that you can start coding.
>  *Datahub is for people who found some interesting data source for
> them, they want to download it, parse it, load it into database,
> provide some documentation, and visualize it. Datahub will speed up
> the process by creating folder for each of these actions. You will
> create all the programs from our base default template and move on to
> analyzing the data in no time.
> How to get started?: Datahub is a python based tool and here is how to run it.
> **Create python virtualenviroment:
> virtualenv --no-site-packages datahubENV
> source datahubENV/bin/activate
> **How to get it:
> wget http://launchpad.net/datahub/trunk/0.7/+download/datahub-0.7.tar.gz
> tar -xzvf datahub-0.7.tar.gz
> ** Install it:
> cd datahub-0.7/
> python setup.py install
> **Create you project using datahub default templates:
> paster create --list-templates
> paster create -t datahub
> ** Where do I start:
> Above commands created a project skeleton that has 4 folders: crawl
> (sample code to download via wget or harvestman), parse (here is where
> you parse raw data), load (here is where you load the data into
> database using sqlalchemy or a tool of your choice), hdf5 (convert to
> hdf5 if you don't want to use database), wiki (provide some
> documentation)
> This is a first release, so feedback is appreciated. Give it a try if
> you have some interesting data to deal with.
> Thanks,
> Lucas
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> [from the http://groups.google.com/group/get-theinfo mailing list]
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---

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