[Chicago] From PMA - Position: PYTHON Software Development

Brian Herman brianherman at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 03:02:33 CEST 2010

Yes I agree!

Brian Herman

Research Assistant
University Of Illinois at Chicago
brianherman at acm.org

On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Tal Liron <tal.liron at threecrickets.com>wrote:

>  Let me suggest, instead, that Java is to the JVM as C is to Unix -- the
> native, boring underlying language, which may you need to occasionally "drop
> down to" in order to do lower, "kernel"-level work, or for procedures where
> optimized performance is paramount. Otherwise, there is a host of great
> languages to choose from: Python (via Jython), Ruby (via JRuby), JavaScript
> (via Rhino), PHP (via Quercus) and also terrific JVM-specific languages such
> as Clojure, Scala and Groovy.
> In this sense, it's not that "Jython is Java done right" so much as the
> JVM, successfully if awkwardly, delivers on Unix's broken promise of "open
> computing." Since version 5, the JVM has served as a stable, well-performing
> platform that really, truly is deployable on Unix, Linux, Solaris, Windows,
> and even mobile platforms. CPython, Rubinius, etc., might get there
> eventually, too, but they have a ways to go, and they will likely have to
> reinvent wheels already spinning in the JVM. (I'm particularly interested in
> applications of the LLVM project.) Why wait, though, when you can deploy
> right now? I would say, instead, that "the JVM is CPython done right," and
> this has nothing in particular to say for or against Python or Java as
> languages.
> -Tal
> On 08/06/2010 08:59 PM, Brian Herman wrote:
>> I love the fact that it runs on the JVM and you can use all the coolness
>> of the java libraries without the syntax.
>> If I was starting any project that needed a java library I would suggest
>> jython out of all the jvm based languages.
>> <3 jython <3
>> jython= java done right.
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