[Chicago] Jan 14 meeting talks

Tal Liron tal.liron at threecrickets.com
Mon Jan 4 15:00:00 CET 2010

Do you happen to know anything about the GIL and Google's version CPython?

Also, I just remembered I promised to say something about the GIL and 
Jython. My memory was jogged because this weekend I submitted a patch to 
Jython that fixes its very broken concurrency behavior when embedded 
(using JSR-223 or otherwise). La la la, another long story, and not 
particularly Python-related, though I can say a few words about it if 
people are interested in Jython.

Anyway, some humor for you from the Jython codebase. Here's a snippet 
from the FutureFeature enum:

      * Enable the Global Interpreter Lock in Jython.
     GIL {
         public void addTo(PragmaReceiver features) {
             throw new ParseException("Never going to happen!");

(You would see that message if from __future__ you import GIL.)


On 01/04/2010 07:19 AM, David Beazley wrote:
> I can give a brief talk about the change to the Python GIL that has been added into the Python 3 branch.

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