[Chicago] ANN: Twiggy, a more Pythonic logger

Pete pfein at pobox.com
Thu Jun 3 00:01:32 CEST 2010


I'm pleased to announce the initial public release of Twiggy, a more Pythonic logger.  It was conceived at Pycon, at the prodding of Jesse Noller.  It features:

 * a clean, powerful syntax for logging using method chaining
 * loose coupling between log targets and emitters
 * glue vaguely inspired by Django's url dispatcher
 * easy support for structured logging
 * fixes for your personal pet peeves
 * features!

For a quick introduction, see: http://python-twiggy.googlecode.com/hg/notes.html
For a longer discussion and demo, see: http://carlfk.blip.tv/file/3551150/

Get it hot from the cheeseshop: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twiggy/
Feedback, help and donuts are always welcome.


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