[Chicago] The Portland group guards the door to their meetings...

Garrett Smith g at rre.tt
Thu Mar 11 19:26:22 CET 2010

Bouncers, chocolate martinis and leather would definitely be an
interesting combo. But if there's one language group in Chicago that
could successfully integrate them, it's Chipy!

Personally, I just want to see Carl as the Chipy bouncer for a
meeting. Freakin' awesome.

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Jason Rexilius <jason at hostedlabs.com> wrote:
> Hmm.. I hope we're not proposing bouncers with chocolate martinis..  add
> some black leather and you might draw a different crowd than intended..
> Josh Johnson wrote:
>> I think chocolate martini's would be ok even if there *wasn't* a bouncer
>> :P
>> JJ
>> On Mar 11, 2010, at 9:48 AM, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>>>   Garrett> I think having bouncers would be *ridiculously* cool. Carl?
>>> By making it harder to get into you'd probably raise the cachet and
>>> suddenly
>>> everyone would want to get in, as if if was the latest trendy night club.
>>> You'd probably have to start serving chocolate martinis.  Then you'd get
>>> written up on the social pages of the Trib after Kanye showed up one
>>> night...
>>> Skip
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