[Chicago] The Portland group guards the door to their meetings...

William Scullin wscullin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 00:22:10 CET 2010

I also hadn't realized we hadn't gone past a speculative point... my
bad for not having followed the thread. I can still go, but can't do
Fortran the justice it deserves.

- William

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Dan Krol <orblivion at gmail.com> wrote:
> Talked to Tristan, who was signed up for Haskell. He never heard back about
> it so he didn't realize that this went past speculative phases, so he's not
> ready to talk tonight.
> Maybe we should doublecheck that everybody's ready?
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Brian Ray <bray at sent.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 11, 2010, at 8:48 AM, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>>>   Garrett> I think having bouncers would be *ridiculously* cool. Carl?
>>> By making it harder to get into you'd probably raise the cachet and
>>> suddenly
>>> everyone would want to get in, as if if was the latest trendy night club.
>>> You'd probably have to start serving chocolate martinis.  Then you'd get
>>> written up on the social pages of the Trib after Kanye showed up one
>>> night...
>> We might be able to pull that off, Sullys?
>> On a side note the line up tonight is shaping up nicely:
>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tWDOaOr7_kqB-yVgfQPRh7w&single=true&gid=0&output=html
>> This is going to be insane.  I think we invited Kanye before but he would
>> not stop interrupting ;)
>> Brian Ray
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