[Chicago] talk and pizza

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed May 5 16:52:11 CEST 2010

I am thinking about presenting a talk on "Customizing the Django Admin".

I have not talked for years although I ramble often. Nonetheless, I can

 * Registering Models in the Admin
 * Customizing the filtering, search, general display
 * Adding Actions
 * Inlines
 * Custom Forms
 * Making Fields Readonly by inheriting
 * Integrating jQuery
 * Custom Widgets like Image thumbnails
 * Changing look and feel

I plan on showing a live example and customizing as we go.

This will be a pretty mid-level talk and should be interesting to those not
familiar, those who know django and considered using the admin, and for
djangonuts who want to do some pretty advanced stuff.

Is there and interest level. If I do present, I would prefer if someone else
announces because it seems a little odd if I were to announce myself.

Cheers, Brian Ray
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