[Chicago] ChiPy at ITA Thu May 13, 7p

Adam Jenkins emperorcezar at gmail.com
Tue May 11 00:34:05 CEST 2010

I think it fits in with ChiPy great. I'm really looking forward to when you
give the Django admin talk.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:

> Carl suggest off the list that I should give my talk to a Django specific
> user group instead of Chipy only after sending this announcement. I kinda
> thought people might be interested in customizing the admin. Several said
> they would like that talk. What gives Carl? It is more python than it sounds
> like because it does use a lot of inheritance and callback handlers.
> I am not really interested in starting/joining a Django specific club. I
> just wanted to show what I have been working on really.
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com>wrote:
>> ChiPy
>> =========================
>> When: 7 PM Thursday May 13, 2010
>> Where: ITA
>> This will be our Best Meeting Ever!
>> Topics
>> ------
>>  1. 7:00 How to contribute to Python (Brian Curtin)
>>  2. 7:45 Pizza (Imaginary Landscape)
>>  3. 8:00 Building the Python Interpreter and Going for Speed (William
>> Scullin)
>>  4. 8:45 Book Giveaway (O'Reilly)
>> Details
>> -------
>> 1. How to contribute to Python
>> Brian Curtin
>> http://jessenoller.com/2010/04/22/why-arent-you-contributing-to-python/
>>  covers an interesting topic (to me), and I think it would be cool to
>> show an example of how to contribute a fix to Python. My idea is to go
>> from start-to-finish finding a bug in Python, checking out the source,
>> fixing the bug, making a patch, signing up on the tracker, then
>> submitting the patch. A documentation fix would probably be
>> easiest/quickest, but I could look around the bug tracker and keep a
>> really small standard library bug in my back pocket so we can fix some
>> actual code.
>> 2. Pizza
>> Imaginary Landscape
>> Local Python shop wants to make sure we don't pass out from
>> starvation.  Return the favor by visiting http://chicagopython.com
>> 3. Building the Python Interpreter and Going for Speed
>> William Scullin
>> A summary of
>> lessons learned by building CPython with non-gnu compilers on x86 and
>> non-x86 platforms. We've got some fun, and actually sort of depressing
>> data learned from trying to scale out a python science code to 32,768
>> cores. None of it is a surprise, but it's got some interesting
>> implications for large distributed applications of all stripes that if
>> I'm lucky, someone will stand up and point out the obvious solutions.
>> 4. Book Giveaway
>> O'Reilly
>> Take notes and be ready to answer questions - correct answer gets you a
>> book.
>> Location
>> --------
>> Illinois Technology Association (ITA)
>> 200 S. Wacker Drive
>> 15th Floor
>> Chicago, IL 60606
>> 312.435.2805
>> http://www.illinoistech.org
>> Metra: exit on Adams St, walk East across the bridge, first door on the
>> right.
>> Show your ID to security.  Be on the list or they will be sad.
>> http://chipy.org/FrontPage#sign-up
>> About the group
>> ---------------
>> ChiPy is made up of people of all levels of programming and Python
>> knowledge. At every meeting we have had both beginning programmers,
>> people who are just starting to use Python, as well as experienced
>> Python programmers. Don't be intimidated about coming to a meeting.
>> Note that ChiPy is not a formal organization. We collect no dues,
>> elect no officers, and keep no roster. Signing up for the mailing list
>> carries no obligation. Nor does showing up at the meetings. Nor, at
>> least so far, does anything else we have done, although we always
>> appreciate it when our presenters show up. (They usually do!)
>> http://chipy.org
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>> Chicago at python.org
>> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago
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