[Chicago] ChiPy Lightening Themes

Kumar McMillan kumar.mcmillan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 17:34:17 CEST 2011

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:32 AM, Joshua Herman <zitterbewegung at gmail.com> wrote:
> By that I mean the google event that was posted happening on Saturday. The
> metro apps for chicago. The theme would be google app engine, python, and
> geolocation

+1 for this. The new App Engine geo location API looks really nice.

> On Jul 9, 2011 9:51 AM, "Brian Ray" <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looking for some content for next Thursday's meeting.
>> What are your thoughts on a series of *theme* based lightening talks. For
>> instance we pick one of:
>> * one example where I rewrote something and got faster executing code
>> * my algorithm implemented in Python
>> * one feature I like about Python 3.0
>> * this old project, I still love
>> * one reason why my editor or ide is better than yours
>> Otherwise, I am still looking for some great content. Presentations of any
>> sort are welcome please. Submit your idea to this list for feedback.
>> Thank you, Brian Ray
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