[Chicago] Looking for a well designed yet sizable project to read

Tathagata Dasgupta tathagatadg at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 07:50:16 CET 2011

Hi all,
It was great meeting the Python enthusiasts of Chicago, and listening
to two very different flavored talks this Thursday. Looking forward to
the next meetup ...

I've been playing around with Python for some time and it has totally
taken over as my default language now. The initial leap was easy
enough, but now I feeling a bit stuck with so much power in hand. With
Java/C++ it was immediately obvious how to design the code, primarily
because of the language structure, but here its a bit different. Most
of my codes are becoming a bunch of .py, .pyc files functioning like
pretty bash scripts on python steroids which hardly care about being
encapsulated into user defined classes.

Can you point me to some manageable sized project which I can read to
understand how I should design my projects in Python?
Links and tips of best practices would be really great to have ...

And lastly no Python programmer would probably feel good to let django
slip away from his toolkit; there are too many resources out there too
... but any django 101 talk coming up anytime soon?

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