[Chicago] pycharm Re: Venue & Topic

Joshua Herman zitterbewegung at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 21:31:35 CEST 2011

Anyone have any advising editing python with emacs? Currently I'm
using what comes with default emacs.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Chad Glendenin <chad at glendenin.com> wrote:
>> do you have any good vim plugins or dot file stuff to share?
> For Vim newbies, I usually recommend trying Janus:
> https://github.com/carlhuda/janus
> It does some things that I find annoying, but it gives you a lot out
> of the box and should be comfortable for TextMate refugees.
> I should probably separate my vim config from the rest of my dot
> files, but it's all on github: https://github.com/ccg/dotfiles
> There's an install script, but it sets up a whole bunch of things besides Vim.
> The main thing is to use Tim Pope's pathogen to make it easier to deal
> with plugins. A few specific plugins that are worth trying:
> * pyflakes.vim (static analysis for python; even gives you the red
> squiggly underline in gvim when it detects a problem)
> * Surround.vim (http://www.catonmat.net/blog/vim-plugins-surround-vim/)
> * NERDTree (a folder & file tree in a sidebar)
> * NERDCommenter
> Also, exuberant-ctags works with Python and Vim (Ctrl-] to jump to the
> definition of whatever is under the cursor, Ctrl-T to jump back).
> There's even a Chicago Vim meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Vim-Chicago/
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