[Chicago] pycharm Re: Venue & Topic

Wes Cleveland wcleveland at narrativescience.com
Mon Oct 10 16:52:14 CEST 2011

Just wanted to toss Sublime Text Editor into the mix.  Here is a
lightning-list of features:

-Cross platform!
-TextMate Successor, includes all the snippets, etc from TextMate
-Sleek interface with full screen and no-distractions modes
-VIM text editing mode for those coming from VIM
-Multi-select and other great automation features
-2-column, 3 column, 2-4 pane window modes and more
-Very actively developed with a strong and passionate community

Perhaps the coolest part for our interests is the embedded python
interpreter powering a huge array of plugins and packages.  For example, I'm
currently using a git plugin, a python intellisence / autocomplete, a pylint
/ pyflakes package, and a few others (Great package manager here:

Sublime has quickly swept across my office of python devs.  If you are
trying out new editors, I strongly suggest giving it a try!


-Wes C

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:29 AM, Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com>wrote:

> I was there, but the talk was in German, so I have no idea what he was
> saying.  Watching it was fun and the beer was good.  The video will be
> up once I get to an internet connection I can hammer on.
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Chad Glendenin <chad at glendenin.com> wrote:
> > The lead developer of PyCharm gave an intro-to-PyCharm talk at Pycon
> > DE. I don't suppose Carl went to that, did he? :)
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:01 PM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:
> >> I am not a vim newbie but only recently started using vim pathogen. My
> >> github account is codersquid and I've started cleaning up my dotfiles
> but
> >> they are still a mess.
> >>
> >> I like the the NERD family of plugins and also buff explorer and a few
> >> others. I've been trying to decide whether I like the folding settings I
> >> have for python.  They need tweaking or need to be done away with.
> >>
> >> I like when people share dotfiles because I'm trying to kick my vim
> skills
> >> up a notch though I'm sure that means I'll be a little irked when I'm at
> >> someone else's buffer.
> >>
> >> How has pycharm been treating you?  Carl is not back from Pycon.de so I
> >> don't have his impressions yet.
> >>
> >> On Oct 7, 2011 6:16 PM, "Chad Glendenin" <chad at glendenin.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> >
> >>> > do you have any good vim plugins or dot file stuff to share?
> >> ...
> >>>
> >>> The main thing is to use Tim Pope's pathogen to make it easier to deal
> >>> with plugins. A few specific plugins that are worth trying:
> >>>
> >>> * pyflakes.vim (static analysis for python; even gives you the red
> >>> squiggly underline in gvim when it detects a problem)
> >>>
> >>> * Surround.vim (http://www.catonmat.net/blog/vim-plugins-surround-vim/
> )
> >>>
> >>> * NERD[Foo]
> >>>
> >>> Also, exuberant-ctags works with Python and Vim (Ctrl-] to jump to the
> >>> definition of whatever is under the cursor, Ctrl-T to jump back).
> >>>
> >>> There's even a Chicago Vim meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Vim-Chicago/
> >>
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> >> Chicago mailing list
> >> Chicago at python.org
> >> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago
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> >>
> > _______________________________________________
> > Chicago mailing list
> > Chicago at python.org
> > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago
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> --
> Carl K
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