[Chicago] ChiPy Artwork

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 16:52:05 CEST 2012

I am sure none of you care too much ;) However, I wanted to fill you in
that we have contracted an artist to redo our ChiPy logo. Here are some
examples of her work:


... pretty clever stuff, in my opinion.

This contact was made at PyCon and I will fill you all in as the art
progresses. This is also something to keep in mind if your working on the
next version of the chipy.org site.

Also, a reminder, we must get the github issue complete for Carl or he will
go on strike. Seriously!  If no takers by this weekend I will take care of
it; however, I will probably not have it in production in time for our next

Brian Ray
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