[Chicago] OT - Chicago Python Workshop

Aisha Halim aishahalim at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 06:08:38 CEST 2012

So, thanks everyone from ChiPy for spreading the word regarding this
workshop: http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-Python-Workshop/events/72904002/.
We had a great time despite the network issues (I think people learned
stuff...and got to meet new people, etc).

Also thanks Carl for getting Jason -- I freaked out.

We made announcements about various usergroups in the end of the
workshop so that people could, after getting their hands a little
dirty in code, go to some future ChiPy/PS1 etc meetings. Sheila's
going to do a closing email to the attendees with all the links, so if
you have anything to add to our existing list here, please do so:

We also got a lot of feedback regarding ChiPy from a few people who go
already (but weren't really beginners -- just beginner programmers? I
heard two mentions of programming v. scripting which might be
something a lot of us who have been through the former, formally, take
for granted when setting up learning stuff/meetings/talks. So
something like, having a workshop like 'Pragmatic Programming, Live!',
might be nice?) about how great it is finding nerds who actually
understand you. Thanks for existing, in that respect, and going
consistently strong (best meetin--- http://i.imgur.com/Q4BEk.gif ).

Feedback on our hosting this might be more useful data to you, so
results from Sheila's survey, we'll update here as well in case that
gives you an idea about where we could fall in next time, if there is
a next time.


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