[Chicago] [ANN] ChiPy Monthly Meeting tomorrow Thursday RSVP here!

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 07:19:00 CET 2012

Chicago Python User Group February Meeting

When: 7 PM Thursday February 9th, 2012
Where: ITA TechNexus

No-SQL gone Django Fork, Can it be done? Yes it can, says Cezar. Take
that biiiiig data, ha!

Code to win $100! Prove your speed and correctness to your friends and
family. If they remain unimpressed, at least you can by them a drink
with your $100 cash prize.

World renowned Python author, developer, and educator David Beazley
@dabeaz  (http://www.dabeaz.com/) returns
for more mind bending RPython internals.

This will indeed be the best meeting you have ever attended anywhere!

RSVP at http://chipy.org/
Please bring your ID

Quick Links:
YES http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/44/yes
MAYBE http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/44/maybe


Food and Drink will be served before and/or after first talk!

1) Django-nonrel
(:45 Forty-Five Minutes)
By: Cezar Jenkins
Intro and State of Django Non-Relational a fork of Django where PK are

2) Code Competition
(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: Various Artists
Code the answers, win $100
Bring your laptop if you wish to play.

3) more... "Understanding RPython"
(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: David Beazley
More depth into the interface between RPython and C. May also cover
how to build C extensions to PyPy

ITA 15th Floor 200 S. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 312.435.2805

About the group
ChiPy is made up of people of all levels of programming and Python
knowledge. At every meeting we have had both beginning programmers,
people who are just starting to use Python, as well as experienced
Python programmers. Don't be intimidated about coming to a meeting.


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