[Chicago] Assistance on program failing to fully run

Vern Ceder vceder at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 17:10:16 CET 2012

            for card in self.card:

should have an 's' on the end of self.cards:

            for card in self.cards:

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:00 AM, SKHUMBUZO ZIKHALI <
akekhofananaye at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi
> *I am trying to run the following program from Guide to Programming with
> Python by Micheal Dawson:*
> **
> class Card(object):
>     RANK = ["A","2","3","4","5","6","7"
>             "8","9","K","Q","J"]
>     SUIT = ["s","d","h","c"]
>     def __init__(self,rank, suit):
>         self.rank = rank
>         self.suit = suit
>     def __str__(self):
>         rep = self.rank + self.suit
>         return rep
> class Hand(object):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.cards = []
>     def __str__(self):
>         if self.cards:
>             rep = ''
>             for card in self.card:
>                 rep += str(Card)+''
>         else:
>             rep = "<empty>"
>             return rep
>     def clear(self):
>         self.cards =[]
>     def add(self, card):
>         self.cards.append(card)
>     def give(self, card, other_hand):
>         self.cards.remove(card)
>         other_hand.add(card)
> # Main
> card1 = Card(rank = "A", suit ="c")
> print 'Printing a Card object'
> print card1
> card2 = Card(rank = "2", suit ="c")
> card3 = Card(rank = "3", suit ="c")
> card4 = Card(rank = "4", suit ="c")
> card5 = Card(rank = "5", suit ="c")
> print card2
> print card3
> print card4
> print card5
> my_hand = Hand()
> print '\nPrinting my hand before I add my card:'
> print my_hand
> my_hand.add(card1)
> my_hand.add(card2)
> my_hand.add(card3)
> my_hand.add(card4)
> my_hand.add(card5)
> print '\nPrinting my hand after adding 5 cards:'
> print my_hand
> your_hand = Hand()
> my_hand.give(card1, your_hand)
> my_hand.give(card2, your_hand)
> print '\nGave the first two cards from my hand to your hand.'
> print 'Your hand:'
> print your_hand
> print 'My hand:'
> my_hand
> my_hand.clear()
> print '\nMy hand after clearing it:'
> raw_input('\n\nPress the enter key to exist.')
> *However, I can partly run it for eventually receive attribute error
> message. Printing response is as follows:*
> 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
> >>> ================================ RESTART
> ================================
> >>>
> Printing a Card object
> Ac
> 2c
> 3c
> 4c
> 5c
> Printing my hand before I add my card:
> <empty>
> Printing my hand after adding 5 cards:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Python27/Card Game.py", line 69, in <module>
>     print my_hand
>   File "C:/Python27/Card Game.py", line 25, in __str__
>     for card in self.card:
> AttributeError: 'Hand' object has no attribute 'card'
> >>>
> *Would you please help me as to where I got it wrong with this program
> and lastly inform how how does Hand object gets linked or connected with
> Card object? *
> With thanks
> Sikhumbuzo  *
> *
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Vern Ceder
vceder at gmail.com, vceder at dogsinmotion.com
The Quick Python Book, 2nd Ed - http://bit.ly/bRsWDW
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