[Chicago] This Thursday July 12: ChiPy July Meeting at "1871"

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:34:38 CEST 2012

Adrian Holovaty, Co-creator of Django, founder of EveryBlock, long
time ChiPy member, will be presenting on extracting music information
from sound. Ben Toews (aka mastahyeti), security expert, gets fancy
with his SQL injecting tool.  Joshua Herman, Python evangelist,  will
hit the bottle (that is bottle.py). As promised we will have table
tenis (aka ping pong) tables set up so come in early if you want to
play. Doors open at 6pm, meeting starts promptly at 7pm. Free, as in
Beer. Robots Welcome.

If your not convinced by this amazing line up, flawless venue, bouncy
ping pong tables, and charismatic sponsors... this will be our best
meeting ever!

RSVP at http://chipy.org/

Quick Links:
YES http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/50/yes
MAYBE http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/50/maybe


Thursday July 12th, 2012 at 7PM (doors open at 6pm)


The Merchandise Mart
222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza
12th Floor
Chicago, IL, 60654

Directions to The Mart:

Directions once you're in the building:
Walk to any center bank of elevators, take to the 12 floor. Walk to
West end of the building.


1) 6pm-7pm Table Tenis and Social hour

Thank you Killer Spin http://www.killerspin.com/ for donation of the
table tenis and equipment. Also thank you Textura for donations of
pizza and drink.

2) 7pm  Official Start time. Intro, word from our sponsors

3) 7:15pm Extracting musical information from sound
By: Adrian Holovaty
Music Information Retrieval technology has gotten good enough that you
extract musical metadata from your sound files with some degree of
accuracy. Find out how to use Python (along with third-party APIs) to
determine everything from the key/tempo of a song to the pitch/timbre
of individual notes. Then we'll do some amusing analysis of popular
tunes. This is a talk from PyCon 2012, with some small improvements.

4) 8:10pm BBQSQL
By: Ben Toews
Ben recently discovered event driven concurrency. He will be talking
about some of the basics as well as trying to compare it with other
concurrency options. The focus will be on its application in a few
recent projects as well as a comparison of Python's gevent and

5) 8:45pm Web app development with bottle.py, twitter bootstrap and
By: Joshua Herman
Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight micro web-framework for
Python. It is distributed as a single file module. I will show you how
to use it with twitter bootstrap and interface with form alchemy so
you can make a quick utility fast.

A word...

from our meeting sponsor...

"""Textura is experiencing excellent growth. We are looking to add
Python Developers (end to end development) to join our team. Textura
provides an opportunity to work with the latest and greatest
technologies. In addition, we provide excellent growth opportunities,
support creativity, and offer competitive compensation & benefits.
Please contact Jessica Cassidy 312-496-7975 or
jessica.cassidy at texturacorp.com if interested in learning more."""

About ChiPy

ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers. Participants range
from absolute beginners to seasoned veterans. In short, *everyone* is
welcome (including you)! Every second Thursday of the month ChiPy
members gather to give talks on a wide variety of topics related to
Python and related technology. Our community benefits from a variety
of participants, so we would love it if you would make yourself a

ChiPy website: http://chipy.org
ChiPy Mailing List: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago
ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List:
Python website: http://python.org

Brian Ray

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