[Chicago] Property Getter & Setter Problem

Oren Livne livne at uchicago.edu
Fri Jun 1 18:33:43 CEST 2012

Dear All,

Sorry if this is too basic. I'm trying to understand how get & set 
works. I created a class "Clazz" with a mutable property "x" and 
immutable property "voltage". When I run the following module, I get

voltage <property object at 0x7f31cfea55d0> x <property object at 
voltage <property object at 0x7f31cfea55d0> x 10
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/oren/ober/impute/tests/SimpleClasses.py", line 39, in 
     assert c.voltage == 100000, 'Property not set properly'
AssertionError: Property not set properly

I am expecting to get voltage 100000 x 200 on the first line.

Thank you so much,

class Clazz(object):
     '''Illustrates a property with a getter and setter.'''

     def __init__(self):
         print 'Creating instance of Clazz'
         self._x = None
         self.x = 200
         self._voltage = 100000

     def voltage(self):
         """Get the current voltage."""
         return self._voltage

     def x(self):
         """I'm the 'x' property."""
         return self._x

     def x(self, value):
         self._x = value

     def x(self):
         del self._x

if __name__ == "__main__":
     c = Clazz;
     print 'voltage', c.voltage, 'x', c.x
     c.x = 10
     print 'voltage', c.voltage, 'x', c.x
     assert c.voltage == 100000, 'Property not set properly'

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