[Chicago] Recap -- Good Friday Hacking

Joe Germuska joe at germuska.com
Tue Apr 2 14:45:09 CEST 2013

The Northwestern University Knight Lab and Chicago Tribune News Application team are hosting events the next two Saturdays themed around the recent release of an API to the Tribune Crime site. They are not particularly Python-centric, but of course folks are welcome to code in whatever language they like. Also, for the next one, we are experimenting with a slightly more guided structure with a design exercise in the morning in hopes of helping some participants zero in better on projects.

All are welcome. This Saturday in Evanston (at Knight Lab central) and next Saturday in Pilsen at Cibola.


On Apr 1, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Jeremy McMillan <aphor at me.com> wrote:

> I missed this one. I need a hackathon. Maybe there are others? Anyone want to do this again soon?

Joe Germuska
Joe at Germuska.com * http://blog.germuska.com * http://twitter.com/JoeGermuska    

"I felt so good I told the leader how to follow."
-- Sly Stone 

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