[Chicago] OT: Need a new hosting service

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 21 18:49:28 CEST 2013

>> * I assume there must be a way to get a static name, but still have the
>> nice "git push" feature (I know some folks don't like it, but it appeals to
>> me)
> I'm not sure what you're talking about with the "every push generated a new
> virtual domain". I'm pretty sure they're assigned when you create the app --
> at least that's what I've always experienced. You can also point a domain at
> it.

Two people have indicated they don't see this behavior.  Perhaps I did
something wrong.  It's been awhile, and I was just using the free
package (Sheila, I'm willing to put up with a lazy website if it's
free :-), but every time I executed "git push" it would finish with
something like "you can now view your site and xyz1234.heroku.com".
Every time, "xyz1234" changed to something else.  I guess if I somehow
had smontanaro.net associated with my Heroku account that behavior
would be different?  How do I point a domain at a Heroku site, just
the normal DNS sauce, or does some Heroku setting need to be tweaked?

Thanks all.  That's probably enough for the moment.  I clearly should
mess around again with Heroku before trying to go much farther.  If I
can mix my stuff into a Django/Heroku environment, that would be
ideal, especially if the price is the noise made by baby chickens.



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