[Chicago] hack night tomorrow

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Feb 13 16:52:03 CET 2013

Two hours is really short for a hack night but we are listing it as a thing
so omg it would be great if we have volunteers to help if people show up
wanting to hack.

Laptop setup.

Help with this if you are comfortable walking people through setting up a
dev environment. It would be great if we have a helper per OS. Keep in mind
that the people who will be needing the most help will not have any tools
on their machines for dev work. This means you may need to be able to walk
through installing editors and version control tools and preliminary things
like that. Keep in mind that people may show up with very old laptops.

Networking Troubleshooters

Since we may need to walk people through installing editors and other tools
and dependencies, we'll also need help troubleshooting network problems.
For example, I've been stymied by trying to get an old version of windows
to get on the network.

We'll also need someone who can figure things out in general such as when
something happens like the dhcp server not being able to hand out enough IP
addresses. I have no clue how to handle that yet so you are perfect for
this is you do.

Python Setup Foo

You are perfect for this if you are able to help people get pip and
virtualenv set up. It would be great if we had a helper per OS.

Projects to Hack

Since we won't have a lot of time then the first idea I have for a goal is
to get people to a point where they can leave the meeting with the ability
to work on a project. That may sound like a very basic goal, but keep in
mind that we've invited people to our community who may not be very
experienced. They may be here for many different reasons and perhaps aren't
developers yet but would like to start being civic hacktivists due to
learning about Aaron's work.

That's all for now... I've been typing from the el and I've reached my stop.
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