[Chicago] Here's a question...

Julie Bell jmwebstuff at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 16 17:45:07 CET 2013

My company doesn't. But I come from a family with server allergies. My daughter and sister are allergic to dogs. I'm severely allergic to cats.
I sat in a chair of someone who had a cat at company, and couldn't breath. I removed the offending chair, ie. sat in a different one and was fine. If a cat had been in residence, I can't even go into the building.
Just chiming in on the allergy side.

 From: Naomi Ceder <naomi.ceder at gmail.com>
To: The Chicago Python Users Group <chicago at python.org> 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 10:22 AM
Subject: [Chicago] Here's a question...

This is something we're discussing a my company... Do any of you work at places that allow pets to come to work?

And whether or not you do, do you/would you value such a policy from an employer?

Just curious...

Naomi Ceder

Naomi Ceder

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