[Chicago] pydoc -p 6060

Joe Germuska joe at germuska.com
Mon Jul 22 16:29:35 CEST 2013

On Jul 21, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Feihong Hsu <feihong.hsu at gmail.com> wrote:

> Wow, this is really useful. Thanks!
> Wish the styling wasn't so ugly though.

So, given that Python is open source and all, my thought was "hey, can that be fixed?"

I honestly am not all that likely to fix it, but I did hunt around a little and I realized my ignorance about the overall development process for the Python language. And, I figured there are lots of ChiPy folks who could enlighten me, so:

Is this the "official" repository to which one would submit changes?

How do other implementations (besides cpython) pick up changes to pure python standard library stuff? however they feel like it? 


Joe Germuska
Joe at Germuska.com * http://blog.germuska.com * http://twitter.com/JoeGermuska    

"Science's job is to map our ignorance." --David Byrne

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