[Chicago] Plotly: Python Plotting and Analytics Package

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Thu Nov 21 17:28:06 CET 2013

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Matt Sundquist <matt at plot.ly> wrote:

> We just launched, so getting feedback from expert users like you all is
> much appreciated. We'd love to hear your thoughts and reactions, and if you
> have any feedback, to hear what you think.

Thanks for posting this, I want to know about these types of things because
I want to have my platform be able to interface to things like this.

We are making a platform for scientists to share the code and data with
their publications in order to encourage sharing and citation of these
things, and we've started with merely providing tarballs of things, but
soon we'll want to give people nicer views of the code and data. We'll be
doing simple things first (so probably just views of files with syntax
highlighting for code and something like tabular views for data that it
makes to sense to view that way).

Also, we'll want to do execution before neat display, but I'm not sure. It
depends on what people want.

Do people who provide python-based and python interoperable tools for
scientists want to have some chipy meetups?

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