[Chicago] django-rest-framework and s3 request signing

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Oct 9 22:26:37 CEST 2013

This is not my lightning talk because I can just share it in an email and
point everyone to the nice post. I spent some time this week making django
sign s3 requests so that the client side could handle uploading the file
and we have only one big hop.

There was a handy post on heroku about this.

He's got a flask example, but it is easy to do in django. I decided to
expose the functionality as a service. The django-rest-framework kicks ass
not to mention someone answered a question right away in their irc channel,
which did not suck. It was wonderful. And users have to be logged in. Very
easy due to said django-rest-framework.

django-rest-framework is pretty cool.

also, this javascript I haven't written yet looks atrocious.

I'm also thinking I'll just do this on server side using django-storages,

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