[Chicago] Beginners Worskshop

Seth Eheart seheart at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 15:22:02 CEST 2013

I'm sure this isn't a new idea and I apologize if it has been previously
discussed and or scheduled, but I thought hosting a beginners workshop
would be great. I have some PHP friends and they host several small weekend
camps throughout the year for people interested in PHP with little to no
coding background. Thought we could do the same. Would be nice to expand it
out to middle/high school students who might be interested in programming
as well.

I have some contacts with UChicago, so we might get them to host it and
then network with other Chicago circles to gain small level of sponsorship.
Just thinking big here, but I believe there is a possible need.

If there is any interest, please let me know. Could be really good
publicity for the group and a way to grow the base.


Seth Eheart
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