[Chicago] Video sponsorship opportunity

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Sun Dec 7 00:28:56 CET 2014

I am looking for companies that want to be a video sponsor.  You get your
logo on the title slide of the videos (however many video's get made this
month) and the warm fuzzy of supporting me.

This month will be Kenneth Reitz:

Kenneth Reitz is the product owner of Python at Heroku and a fellow at the
Python Software Foundation.
... many open source software projects,
specifically Requests: HTTP for Humans.
"""   - http://www.kennethreitz.org/about
Requests: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/
other cool stuff: http://www.kennethreitz.org/projects

How much?  $1500 is what it would cost to hire a professional.  If you want
to give me that, great!  Otherwise I'll take the top 3 offers I get by
Tuesday morning.

If you need some hard numbers to get approval, let me know and I'll dig
them up.  Kenneth is well known, so I expect he hit counts to be hit 10K in
the first few months.

Carl K

Aaron Swartz believed that you literally ought to be asking yourself all
the time:
"What is most important thing I could be working on in the world right now,
and if you're not working on it, why aren't you?"
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