[Chicago] Recommended Reading

Thomas Johnson thomas.j.johnson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 16:38:47 CET 2014

My last class in algorithms was over a decade ago, so I'm slowly working my
way through Python Algorithms (

I can definitely recommend it, particularly if you're going to graduate
soon and are going to be preparing for job interviews where you will
probably be asked questions about algorithms. The book is quite readable.

On Thu Dec 25 2014 at 5:33:43 PM Philip House <
philiphouse2015 at u.northwestern.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I had some questions about recommended reading for next steps as a
> developer, specifically in Python.  For some context, I'm a computer
> science student preparing to graduate and I'm looking to learn more and
> grow my understanding of Python and how it can be used.  I've used Python
> for web applications, some basic scripting, and a few other small
> applications.
> I've read Code Complete, and I'm currently in the process of reading the
> Pragmatic Programmer, however I'm looking for a more technical book to
> expand my toolset and skillset.  Are there any good Python books that you
> would recommend as an aspiring software developer?  Or any books that you
> read when you were first getting started that helped a lot? I'm pretty open
> to reading anything that will help!
> Thank you! Let me know if there's any other things that would be helpful
> to know in making book recommendations as well :)
> Phil
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