[Chicago] Can I see a +1 on this?

Cameron Rudnick cam at camrudnick.com
Thu Jan 30 23:17:52 CET 2014


On 01/30/2014 04:12 PM, Seth Difley wrote:
> +1
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Curiosity.com
>> (0:30:00 Minutes)
>> By: Christopher Coté
>> I am Director of Engineering for Discovery Communications Emerging Business
>> and Strategy team. We just relaunched Curiosity.com. We use Python all over
>> the place along with MongoDB/Redis/ElasticSearch The site lives within AWS
>> utilizing several of their services. Including EC2, ELB, Route53,
>> Cloudwatch, S3 I would like to discuss our overall architecture and our
>> use/love of Python. And answer any questions on
>> architecture/scalability/process/code.
>> +1
>> I also thought I saw a NLP talk proposal, whomever posted that please-repost
>> here or to http://www.chipy.org/meetings/topics/propose
>> --
>> Brian Ray
>> @brianray
>> (773) 669-7717
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