[Chicago] Status of recruiters on this list

Brian Curtin brian at python.org
Mon Mar 3 20:26:35 CET 2014

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a current action item to review this process (moderation of mailing
> list) by the ChiPy board. As it stands until then:
> Cezar moderates the mailing list and I help if it is a solicitation
> We ask for a referral if they find someone to fund our meetings
> If it sounds like a solicitation, I investigate. I make sure the following:
> A) the job is in Chicago or telecommute B) it is actually a Python job  C)
> they will not add the job to a general bucket.
> It is a very time consuming process to filter these but we have really
> reduced the noise. I did toss one recruitment email out last week because it
> was very misleading and they were cross hiring for possitions. I already
> forwarded that to the board last week so we can see what others thing.

The way the process played out the other day was that the moderator
started out by not being happy about the email, and then a moderator
dug in to ask who was it that sent them to the list. Neither of those
seem to be in the prescribed process, nor are they reasonable

I'm not really sure why this would be a board thing, or who the board
represents, what they preside over, or really any other information.

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