[Chicago] IBM Watson <3 IPython Notebook

Jason Wirth wirth.jason at gmail.com
Thu May 22 21:16:32 CEST 2014

I just came across this meetup tonight about IBM's Watson. It looks cool
and has a small python influence.


Watson itself is written in Java, IIRC, but you can imagine the ecosystem
of tools needed to build, support, and analyze a system of Watson's

Last year at SciPy there was a talk titled, "Analyzing IBM Watson
experiments with IPython Notebook"

There's a slide around the 12 minute mark showing the tools needed to build
their analysis. They started with multiple tools (java, javascript/D3,
html/css) which totaled 8,350 lines of code and replaced it with the
IPython notebook totaling 220 lines of code.

220 > 8350 !!!

Jason Wirth
    wirth.jason at gmail.com
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