[Chicago] New to python : Suggestions

Joshua Herman zitterbewegung at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 15:09:09 CEST 2015

Dear Ashwin,
It sounds like to your original email your trying to copy reddit?
There is a reason for reddit failure and it happens nearly to any social
news site. Eventually it becomes so big that the users hate it.

Multiple boards etc... at first you have to have nearly no rules and once
you get big you will have many rules.

I suggest you implement some way to reward two groups of people.
Content creators (people who create posts on social news)
Moderators (people who manage the boards)

Those groups of people basically use reddit for either promotion of their
product or to have a sense of power over the content creators.

Reddits biggest success was the IAMA board. It allowed celebrities to have
conversations with others.

The big problem is that reddit may or may not make money at this point.
They are shuffling upper management a bunch of times. This makes me believe
that even the best people can't manage reddit anymore and it is ripe for

You don't even have to follow the rules in this email. Possibly even making
something different will make you successful.

Regardless it is a good learning experience to try to make something you
actually care about. That is the most important part about programming.

Joshua Herman

On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Tanya Schlusser <tanya at tickel.net> wrote:

> Welcome to Python Aswin -- here's to many years of fun and productivity!
> I should plug the Django special interest group -- Django is like Python's
> version of Ruby on Rails -- it's a web framework. The next meeting is
> tomorrow (Sunday):
> http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/224681564/
> Also, you may be looking for a platform to host your creation for free.
> The two I know of are Heroku, which has great tutorials and free Postgres
> database (up to 10,000 rows of data), and PythonAnywhere which allows MySQL
> for free.
>    - Heroku: https://www.pythonanywhere.com/
>    - PythonAnywhere: https://www.pythonanywhere.com/
> Happy coding!
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