[Chicago] Brian Ray PSF Nomination

Don Sheu dinaldo at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 19:31:26 CEST 2015

Yup,not the support I was seeking. Maybe there should be a day like the
movie *A Day Without Mexicans* where Python user group organizers just

I know with my own group, it's just a magical mystery that we've had a
meetup every month for nearly a year.

Maybe Chris could take over and make sure ChiPy meetings happen every

I have missed meetings in the short history of PuPPy. I asked Brian about
making ChiPy meetings, he's fashioned his work schedule so he makes it back
for ChiPy meetings.

I often thought the ChiPy community took his efforts for granted, thanks
for illuminating that fact Sheila. :p

On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 9:54 AM, sheila miguez <shekay at pobox.com> wrote:

> I thought Brian was a founding member, not the founding member. I have
> been going to meetings on and off for 10 years and Chris was running them
> some years ago. I don't know who else founded the group. I remember Brian
> talking about one of the early meetings when John Hunter came to visit us.
> Maybe it was the first meeting? It would be interesting to hear about.
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Don Sheu <dinaldo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So this has happened a lot in the past, where everybody figures a major
>> contributor to the Python global community is already recognized as a PSF
>> Fellow and nobody does anything to nominate a deserving individual.
>> PSF is still working out how to recognize PSF Fellows going forward. In
>> the interim board member M.-A. Lemburg instructed me to put my nominations
>> on the PSF Wiki.
>> Here's my nomination of Brian Ray. Any mistakes are mine alone. Any
>> current members of the Board and PSF Fellows, please join me in supporting
>> Brian Ray's recognition as a PSF Fellow.
>> https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundation/FellowNominations#preview
>> --
>> Don Sheu
>> (312) 880-9389
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> shekay at pobox.com

Don Sheu
(312) 880-9389

  *Apply to join us at www.openforcetour.org

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