[Chicago] Cartesian 1111 to 4444.....to nnnn (general case)

Tim Ottinger tottinge at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 23:09:01 CEST 2015

Sorry, I skimmed the thread and didn't realize it was a school assignment.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:55 PM Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu> wrote:

> Hey Tim,
> I like your solution!  But I'm trying to handle as much of the code myself
> without relying on builtin tools.  The builtin tools are awesome, but I
> know how my professor thinks.  If there's a harder way to solve a problem,
> that's the way he wants me to do it.
> I modified my original code and this is what I have.  Although my program
> will accept any positive integer between 1 and 10 inclusive, unless you
> have a lot of free time on your hands I would not recommend entering an
> integer greater than 7 or 8.
> Best,
> Doug.
> P.S.  The itertools package is the best!  I used it a lot last semester
> when I took Computational Biology and we had to generate gigantic lists of
> various combinations, permutations and products of the nucleotide bases (A,
> T, C, G for DNA and A, U, C, G for RNA.)  Curiously enough, if you visit
> Amazon.com and search for books on BioInformatics you will end up with a
> very long list of books that use Perl rather than Python.  Why is that?
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 1:49 PM, Tim Ottinger <tottinge at gmail.com> wrote:
>> did you use this:
>> number_of_lists = 4
>> numbers = range(10)
>> print list( itertools.product(*[numbers]*number_of_lists))
>> Yields a list from 1,1,1,1 to 9,9,9,9 given that all lists are identical
>> in content.
>> number of lists and length of list are variable.
>> Inner ranges could be iterators too, to avoid having memory chewed up by
>> Note, the above example lets memory be consumed by list() and range().
>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 7:38 AM Carl Karsten <carl at personnelware.com>
>> wrote:
>>>     def __init__(self, int1 = 1, int2 = 1, int3 = 1, int4 = 0):
>>>         self.int1 = int1
>>>         self.int2 = int2
>>>         self.int3 = int3
>>>         self.int4 = int4
>>> 1,2,3,4 hard coded is generally a red flag that you should be using a
>>> list.
>>> I didn't look at what the code is doing, but you should be able to
>>> replace all the int1 with i[1]
>>> (don't use int[1], int is a reserved word)
>>> Step 2: Once you have that working, you should be able to replace all
>>> the 1,2,3,4's with for n in range(1,5): i[n]
>>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 12:30 AM, Lewit, Douglas <d-lewit at neiu.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I think this works!  Yay!!!  Although I would like to make it more
>>>> general for any integer n besides 4.  Do I really need int1, int2, int3,
>>>> int4?  I think all I need is the initial vector = [1, 1, 1, 1, ......, 0].
>>>> Gotta go!  Oh yeah, code here is in Python 3.  Not sure how well it
>>>> will run in Python 2.  I don't know when Python 4 is coming out, but if
>>>> it's not backward compatible with Python 3 I have a feeling A LOT of folks
>>>> in the Python community are going to be very, very upset!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Doug.
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