[Chicago] Fwd: Scientific Lightening Talks

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 01:57:21 EST 2015

Making an executive decision here to get the Scientific SIG rolling Sunday
I have decided to collect lightning talks for first meeting. Let's do this!
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Scientific Lightening Talks

Sunday, November 8, 2015
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
DePaul CDM Building, Room 924
243 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL (edit map)

ChiPy now has SIG (Special Interest Group) just for those interested in
using Python for Scientific Computing and Research. Yes, we need a venue,
speakers, and other founding organizers. Tentatively setting this to the
First Thurs.

* Required

   What is your talk about? *
   How long? *
   - 5 min
      - 10 min
      - 15 min
      - 20 min
   Who are you *
   Never submit passwords through Google Forms.

Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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