[Chicago] The big data / parallelism thread

Tanya Schlusser tanya at tickel.net
Tue Sep 8 22:39:09 CEST 2015

> What time does the presentation officially begin on Thursday evening?  6
> pm?  What time does it end?  Is it structures like a classroom or is it
> more open-ended?  Just one group?  Or does it get split up into many
> different sub-groups?

It starts at 7pm. The main ChiPy meetups are actually always on the 2nd
Thursday of the month at 7pm somewhere in downtown Chicago.
Here's the meetup page <http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/225119338/>.

> Does Python support this multicore approach or "threading"?  I really don't
> know.


   - here are the concurrency tools in Python
   - and here are the docs for asyncio
   <https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio.html#module-asyncio> -- for
   event handling -- new in Python 3.4  *** It is provisional and may be
   removed so don't get married to it ***
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