[Chicago] Sympy for Python 3 ???

William E. S. Clemens wesclemens at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 15:19:14 CEST 2015

I would personally highly recommend MacPorts over Homebrew.

I find Homebrew to have some security concerns. I haven't played around
with Homebrew in a few years so they may have corrected this issue.
Homebrew installs itself and the software it manages  in /usr/local/ and
changes the permissions on this folder so the user that install Homebrew
can write to this directory. This is concur because a malicious pieces of
software can easy modify command line tools and basic unix utilities by
writing to this directory.

If you are just looking for a simple way to mange your Python packages I
wouldn't recommend going with either of these. You can install newer
versions of Python for python.org. The newer versions have pip included
with it so it makes life a little easier.

If you want to go the path of least resistance you can install the
Anaconda. This Python distribution uses an alternative package manager call
conda. Although it has fare fewer packages then pip and Pypi, It ships all
the major packages in wheels that can easy be installed on OSX without the
need to compile the C/Fortran parts. Whereas pip downloads the source and
attempts to compile it. Pip's method is more prone to failure especially on
OSX where you are using a different compiler then Linux.

Managing  your Python software dependancies on a system wide basis can have
issues. Have you ever looked into using virtualenv?

William Clemens
Phone: 847.485.9455
E-mail: wesclemens at gmail.com

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 6:04 AM, Tanya Schlusser <tanya at tickel.net> wrote:

> > P.S.  Almost forgot.... is there a Mac OS-X equivalent to the useful
> Ubuntu
> > command:
> > sudo apt-get install ..... and
> > sudo apt-get remove .....
> There are two popular options: homebrew and macports. For homebrew, open a
> terminal and type:
> ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
> and type this at the bottom of your ~/.profile file :
> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
> and then do this in the terminal:
> brew install python
> Other homebrew options at: http://brew.sh/
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