[Chicago] ChiPy April 2016 Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 20:08:15 EDT 2016


The Thursday April 14th meeting is just around the corner and we look
forward to seeing you there.

All are welcome! Please RSVP
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/229759484/> soon.  *Please provide
your full name in the RSVP for the security check at the doo*r.

Join us at 6:00pm to hang out, network, and eat!

New ChiPy attendees are invited to stop by the "ChiPy Welcoming Table" at
6:30pm, where you can learn more about ChiPy and meet some new people.

Thursday April 14th

   - 6:00pm:  doors open; food arrives
   - 6:30pm - 6:45: ChiPy Welcoming Table open
   - 7:00pm:  Talks Start promptly

You can rsvp at chipy.org or via our Meetup
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/> group.

Akuna Capital
333 S. Wabash Ave 26th Floor
Chicago, IL


*Multiple System Failure: A case study in debugging*
By: Adam Forsyth
Recently, the Braintree Python library wasn't working on Google App Engine.
Braintree, GAE, requests, and urllib3 all had problems and I tracked down
each one. I'll walk you through debugging with only basic tools -- editing
the code to observe state and using git to find the responsible commit.
This talk expects a basic understanding of web programming, git, and Python.

*module of the month - usaddress*
By: Cathy Deng
usaddress is a python library that uses NLP methods to parse address
strings into structured components (e.g. street name, city, zip). it is
trained on real-world addresses with real-world data quirks - as a result,
it's robust in handling messy data. usaddress was built by DataMade, a
local civic technology company. TL;DR usaddress helps you avoid regex for
address data, which is a terrible rabbit hole.

*Hacking Bokeh*
By: Brian Ray
A brief introduction into Bokeh http://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/ And a
bit on how to build interactive graphs in jupyter notebooks or stand alone.

Thanks always to all our Platinum sponsors, especially: Braintree,
Imaginary Landscape, and Telnyx.

Please be aware of our code of conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/

See you there!

Joe J. Jasinski
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