[Chicago] [ANN] DePy 2016
Brian Ray
brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 15:09:02 EST 2016
We are proud to announce DePy 2016,
3rd conference on Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Web Development.
May 6,7,8 (May 6 will be tutorials only)
Registration is now open.
Deadline for talk/tutorials proposals is March 15.
Deadline for sponsorship is also March 15.
Talk duration: 15-45mins (May 7-8). Tutorial duration: 2-4hrs (May 6)
Optionally, this year you have the option to submit a paper along with your
talk proposal. Your paper will be reviewed and, if approved, it will be
published online and on Amazon Create Space under a Creative Commons
license. Papers must be in one of the supported formats (LaTex, ReST,
Markdown, Markmin - papers in Word and PDF will be rejected) and must have
a length between 5 and 15 pages. Papers should describe an original
research project using Python, or a new Python module you have developed,
or a novel application of an existing Python module. Paper submission
deadline is also March 15.
(*) Tutorials will be on Friday only and will be in a smaller room than
regular talks therefore we can only accommodate 40 people per tutorial.
Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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