[Chicago] Finance SIG: Dec 1st @ 6PM

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 13:06:32 EST 2016

Yes, you still need to RSVP for the holiday party.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 12:03 AM, David Matsumura <davidkunio at gmail.com>

> Hi ChiPy,
> Thursday we have a rare doubleheader. Come out to Coding Dojo for the last
> Finance SIG of the year.
> https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/235345104/
> Stephanie Topher will present her research on real time portfolio
> analytics and talk about the work she does at PortfolioEffect.
> Dan Temkin will talk about open datasets that you can use to build your
> models and strategies.
> After we finish up, you can head over to the ChiPy holiday party. Brian
> Ray has promised to save you a drink.
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/chicago/2016-November/014587.html
> Special thanks to Coding Dojo for hosting our event.
> http://www.codingdojo.com/
> Thanks
> David
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Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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