[Chicago] Regarding Text Editors

Bob Haugen bob.haugen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 20:20:36 EDT 2016

Anybody else use Kate?

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Nick Timkovich <prometheus235 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Text editor X vs IDE Y vs using butterfly species Z to flip SSD bits with
> cosmic rays, this is all holy war stuff. The big thing is always just to
> "shut up and code". Roy Underhill and Norm Abrham both can make some pretty
> sweet stuff.
> That said, I would argue you should sample something new every so often
> (i.e. use it as much as possible for a week) and see if it has any features
> that could win you over. Especially if many of your co-workers also use it,
> a) maybe they do so for a reason, b) when you're learning that thing you can
> easily ask them 'what's the easy way to do X'. There is the distinct
> possibility that c) you like your original editor plenty well and don't see
> a reason to change, but at least you've armed yourself for the next holy
> battle.
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Japhy Bartlett <japhy at pearachute.com>
> wrote:
>> To add a datapoint, I use very vanilla vim, or sublime with vim
>> keybindings.  If you are going to dabble in system administration, it's
>> incredibly convenient to be comfortable with a terminal based editor!  It's
>> nice for debugging to have a stripped down environment.
>> I think for learning, IDEs -- or anything that automagically does stuff
>> for you -- can be problematic because when something breaks, it's hard for
>> newbies to know what's going on, or how to fix it.  There's an extra layer
>> of magic that the bug could be in.
>> And from the teachers perspective, does the student really understand, eg
>> modules and imports?  Or did an IDE hold their hand through it?  Can they
>> write code *without* an IDE?  Maybe it's moot, but it seems like learning
>> the basics is important.
>> When you transition to a professional environment though, you're judged by
>> your output, and your choice of editor should be personal preference.  Once
>> you understand a little about the basics, for sure use the IDE or whatever
>> helps you move quickly.  It is extremely rude to impose an editor on your
>> peers!  Try things out and use what sticks.
>> - Japhy
>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Daniel Fehrenbach
>> <dnfehrenbach at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here at work folks on my team picks individual preferred tools - Emacs,
>>> Sublime, PyCharm, Atom, Vim etc. I use sublime but I've found it doesn't
>>> hurt to be able to use all of them to perform the basics of editing code -
>>> you'll eventually be confronted with a server and only have vim - so if you
>>> can at least open/edit/save/exit that is really helpful, or if you're pair
>>> programming with someone it kind of wastes time to struggle with an editor
>>> you've never used instead of getting work done.
>>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 3:32 PM, HADDLETON, Robert W (Bob)
>>> <bob.haddleton at nokia.com> wrote:
>>>> PyCharm.  If your professors abhor IDEs they aren't preparing their
>>>> students for
>>>> real world jobs.  Familiarity with git and an IDE are pretty much
>>>> expected.
>>>> I use vi/vim/emacs as much as anyone (maybe more) but an integrated IDE
>>>> used properly
>>>> is essential for medium and large projects with multiple/many developers
>>>> or which uses a
>>>> large number of external modules.
>>>> Bob
>>>> On 10/31/2016 3:00 PM, Aswin kumar wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Do people in industry use Vim editor or Emacs for software development
>>>>> in their office or do they use an IDE?  In college my Professors abhor
>>>>> IDE and suggest us to use VIM or Emacs for development. So I am
>>>>> curious to know if its is the same case in industry.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Aswin.
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