[Chicago] Lend-A-Hand Tutoring - Tuesdays in the Loop

Anjali Deolapure anjali.deolapure at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 16:47:35 EST 2017

If anyone wants to squeeze some free time out of their schedules,
Lend-A-Hand has a program that tutors kids every Tuesday at the CBA
building. The premise is to make it convenient for people that work in the
Loop, a great idea.

The more tutors they get the more kids can be helped, so thought I'd
forward info. Note you don't have to be a lawyer, just over 18, not a
criminal (smooth or otherwise), and willing to help.


Kathryn McCabe
kmccabe at lawyerslendahand.org

There's an orientation coming up so if interested definitely get in touch
with Kathryn. Here's her forwarded info about the program:

Here's a bit about our program:

Lend-A-Hand Tutoring provides students from the Montessori School of
Englewood, a public charter school open to students in Chicago, with a
volunteer tutor. The program takes place on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to
7:00 p.m. at the Chicago Bar Association (321 S. Plymouth Court). Each
student is paired with a volunteer tutor, and they work together each week
for the duration of the tutoring year. The students are in grades K-6th
grade and are transported to the CBA for the sessions.

Lend-A-Hand Tutoring has a focus on reading and language arts, with
students being expected to work on these subjects with their tutors for at
least 30 to 45 minutes each session. Lend-A-Hand provides reading materials
and a basic plan to follow. Student-tutor pairs can also work on math
skills, homework or standardized test prep in the time they have remaining.
Because we want this to be fun, there also are four parties a year, and
students can play games with their tutor for 15 minutes at the end of the
tutoring session once a month.

Cheers Chipsters/Chippies/Whatever We Call Ourselves,
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