[Chicago] ChiPy October 2018 Main Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 08:44:03 EDT 2018


We have a great meeting planned for the October.  Hope to see you there!

Thank you GrubHub for sponsoring!

*When:*Thur Oct 11, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

6:00pm Doors open
6:30pm: Meeting starts

*How:*You can RSVP at chipy.org <http://www.chipy.org/> or via our Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/254781212/> group.

111 W. Washington
Suite 2100
Chicago, IL


   - *Tour of job scheduling in Python*
   By: Raymond Buhr
   Experience Level: Novice
   Once you've started to learn python, you're going to want to use it to
   automate tasks. Their are lots of ways to do this, each with it's own set
   of pros and cons. This talk will go over a few options for scheduling the
   execution of python scripts and the tradeoffs that come with each. Tools
   that will be covered include crontab, schedule, celery, airflow, and cloud
   options AWS Lambda and GCP functions.
   - *Why Learn PySpark?*
   By: David Liao
   Experience Level: Novice
   GrubHub has chosen to adopt the Spark Big Data computing framework to
   underpin it’s internal GrubHub Data Platform Spark was adopted very early
   by Silicon Valley FANG companies.. What features make Spark a great
   computing platform for both Analytical reporting and Machine Learning? Tips
   on how to install PySpark on a Mac OSX system so one can play wit PySpark
   without paying for a cloud cluster
   - *Defining services with grpc and protocol buffers*
   By: Patrick Boland
   Experience Level: Intermediate
   gRPC and protocol buffers offer a high performance, open source way to
   define services and messages for the future. Think of it like REST, but
   for the http2 protocol.

*Thank you always to all our sponsors, including our Diamond sponsors:
Metis and TelnyxAlso thank you to our Platinum sponsors: Braintree,
Imaginary Landscape, Lumere, and Signature Consultants. Also, thank you to
our Silver sponsor: Markit.Please be aware of our code of
conduct http://www.chipy.org/pages/conduct/

Joe J. Jasinski
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