[Chicago] ChiPy Call For Speakers for __main__ meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 10:03:09 EDT 2022

Hi ChiPy,

We had a very successful in-person __main__ meeting last week and we are
excited to have a few more in-person meetings lined up.

However, we are looking for speakers to help fill out our lineup for this
fall. If you've been meaning to give a Python-related ChiPy talk, now's a
good time! We are happy to accept experienced speakers and new speakers.

You can sign up to speak by filling out this form:

You can reach out to me or any of the other ChiPy board members if you have
any questions or comments about speaking.

Here are some of the upcoming __main__ meetings that we are looking for
speakers for:
Thurs August 11th
Thurs September 8th
Thurs October 13th
Thurs November 10th

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Joe J. Jasinski
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