[ChiPy-announce] ANN ChiPy January Meeting Thursday the 8th at Roosevelt University Computer

Brian Ray bray at sent.com
Tue Jan 6 23:58:08 CET 2009

Chicago Python User Group

Go ChiPy! The world's most successful user group strikes again!

The agenda for this month's ChiPy meeting includes a presentation by  
Computer Software Consultant and Contractor, Allan Spale, on Python  
3000 (Py3k) official release. This is the result of over three years  
of work by the Python Team and is the first ever intentionally  
backwards incompatible Python release.

The rest of the meeting will consist of short timed verbal comparisons  
of other programming languages to Python by some of ChiPy most notable  
members. All presenters will be given a short list of questions about  
the language features they must answer during the talk.  The best  
presentation will be voted on at the end of the meeting. Future  
meetings may be dedicated to any interesting topic's found during the  
first ChiPy meeting of 2009.

Our host for the meeting is the Roosevelt University Computer  
Association (RUCA). Thanks in advance for kindly hosting this event  
full of colorful languages and people.

This *will* be our best meeting yet.

	• Py3k Official Release, the next version of the Python Programming  
Language - Allan Spale
	• The Python Language Comparison Lighting Talks:
			• C - Daniel Griffin
			• tcl/tk - tentative
			• Logo - Ian Bicking
			• Smalltalk -Ian Bicking
			• Groovy - David Durham
			• JAVA - Garrett Smith
			• Ruby - Frederick Polgardy
			• JavaScript - Frederick Polgardy
			• Boo - Feihong Hsu
			• C++ - Allan LeSage
			• Lua - Allan LeSage
			• Clojure - Cosmin Stejerean
			• C# - Marc Temkin


Thursday, January 8th, ~7pm


Roosevelt University, Gage Building, 18 S. Michigan Ave, 5th floor

About ChiPy

ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers, l33t, and n00bs.
Meetings are held monthly at various locations around Chicago.
Also, ChiPy is a proud sponsor of many Open Source and Educational
efforts in Chicago. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info.

ChiPy website: <http://chipy.org>
ChiPy Mailing List: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago>
ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chipy-announce 
Python website: <http://python.org>

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