[ChiPy-announce] [Chicago] [ANN] Chicago Python User Group April Loop Meeting

Garrett Smith g at rre.tt
Mon Apr 11 23:48:10 CEST 2011

And meetup.com *finally* gets to Chipy, if only by proxy.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Brian Ray <brianhray at gmail.com> wrote:
> This will be the best Chicago Python User Group meeting ever! This is
> in collaboration
> hackshackers and The Chicago Tribune. RSVP here
> http://meetupchicago.hackshackers.com/. If space runs out on the RSVP,
> sign up for the waiting list anyway--we will be opening up a bigger
> space. Sign up now, you do not want to miss this one!
> When: Thursday April 14th 2011 7 p.m.
> Where: Chicago Tribune Towers  435 N. Michigan Ave.  Meet in lobby for
> escorts. Bring ID!
> Topics:
> Best Practices for Impossible Deadlines
> (:30 Thirty Minutes)
> By: Christopher Groskopf
> The main event will be a reprise of Christopher Groskopf's PyCon 2011
> talk, "Best Practices for Impossible Deadlines," where he provides a
> general overview of how the Tribune NewsApps team has developed its
> methodology for building applications at the speed of news.
> Computer assisted reporting projects (case study)
> (:30 Thirty Minutes)
> By: Jason Grotto and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein
> Jason Grotto (Chicago Tribune) and Jeff Kelly Lowenstein (Hoy,
> formerly Chicago Reporter) will present brief case studies of computer
> assisted reporting projects they've done, explaining the theory and
> practice of finding stories in data.
> Create domain specific languages (DSLs) for news production
> (:30 Thirty Minutes)
> By: Larry Adams and Nate Nichols
> The how and why of using Python to create domain specific languages
> (DSLs) as part of Narrative Science's algorithmic news production
> process.
> Other Items:
> * there will be a special interest group for the Chipy.org Mentoring
> program at 6:40.
> * For those who want to socialize in high class atmosphere, some of
> us will head off to the Billy Goat after
> ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers, l33t, and n00bs.
> Meetings are held monthly at various locations around Chicago. Also,
> ChiPy is a proud sponsor of many Open Source and Educational efforts
> in Chicago. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info.
> ChiPy website: <http://chipy.org>
> ChiPy Mailing List: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago>
> ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List:
> <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chipy-announce>
> Python website: <http://python.org>
> _______________________________________________
> Chicago mailing list
> Chicago at python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago

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