[ChiPy-announce] [ANN] ChiPy April meeting: Thurs at Groupon.com Headquarters
Brian Ray
brianhray at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 15:07:22 CEST 2012
Your invited to Chipy's Monthly Meeting this Thursday April 12th 2012 7
p.m. at Groupon.com Headquarters in the historic Montgomery Ward Company
Complex: 600 W Chicago. The entrance is a bit North of the intersection of
Larabee and Chicago, on Larabee. Just curious? Everyone's welcome. Topics
will range various experience levels and will highlight some emerging
technologies as well as some blasts from the past.
Food and drink will be provided, Thanks Groupon.com and ChiPy sponsors!
Let's show Groupon.com some badly needed love! This will be the best
meeting ever.
*Still Space Left... RSVP HERE:*
YES http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/45/yes
MAYBE http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/45/maybe
Registration is required and bring your photo ID!
- gluino: web2py libraries to Bottle, Flask, Pyramid, Tornado, and
Wsgiref(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: *Massimo Di Pierro*
Started during the PyCon 2012 sprint, "gluino" (
pypi <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Gluino>) helps other web framworks
take advantage of the excellent web2py libraries. Supports: bottle, flask,
pyramid, and tornado ... even, Wsgiref!
- Zope interfaces(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: *Matt Bone*
Matt describes how Zope interfaces (ref
pypi<http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.interface>) helped
catch a bug at work a year after implementing them. Matt will discuss how
they were useful in transitioning off a legacy code base and tie it in with
Massimo by exploring their use in Pyramid.
- Good Things in Three(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: *Brian Curtin*
Generally "good things" in 3.2 (concurrent.futures, dict log, functools)
and in in the works for 3.3. (RESULT = yield from EXPR, internal fixed
space-efficient representation of Unicode Strings, Return or the u''....
and even exceptional IO exceptions).
ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers, l33t, and n00bs.
Meetings are held monthly at various locations around Chicago. Also,
ChiPy is a proud sponsor of many Open Source and Educational efforts
in Chicago. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info.
ChiPy website: <http://chipy.org>
ChiPy Mailing List: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago>
ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List:
Python website: <http://python.org>
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