[ChiPy-announce] [ANN] ChiPy April Meeting at Threadless this Thursday 11th

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 16:04:59 CEST 2013

*[image: Inline image 1]


*When:* April 11, 2013, 7 p.m.

*Where:* Threadless

1260 W. Madison St. Chicago, IL 60607
Join us for our best meeting ever! Threadless is providing food and
refreshments, Finch's Threadless IPA.

All are welcome, invite a friend.

RSVP here http://www.chipy.org

This Month's Topics

   - *Threadless Loves Python*
   By: Mike Steder
   In the last year the Threadless engineering department has almost
   completely changed from PHP and MySQL to Python and MongoDB. I would like
   to do a brief overview of how we use Python today which will cover our
   replatformed website, our API, and our internal message queuing system.
   - *SXSW Interactive 2013*
   (0:15:00 Minutes)
   By: Adam Forsyth
   - Themes - Keynotes - Chicago Tech @ SXSW - Other Highlights - Q&A
   - *Concurrency in Python and other Languages*
   (0:25:00 Minutes)
   By: Daniel Griffin
   - 1 minute pitch about OpDemand and what we do. - Processing HTTP
   requests with Twisted. - Dealing with blocking code in Twisted
   (couchdb-python and pika). - Doing long running work with Celery from
   Twisted. - Communicating between web workers with ZMQ. - Writing code that
   can be concurrent.


Brian Ray
(773) 669-7717
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