[ChiPy-announce] ChiPy August 2020 __main__ Meeting

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 10:08:52 EDT 2020

Hey Chipy,

We have a great meeting planned for our August live stream. We have some
amazing speakers lined up with some awesome topics. See you there!

*When: *Thursday August 13, 2020, 6 p.m.
*Where: *Remote Meeting
You can join our Live Stream at the following link:

*More info:*


   - *Goodbye Print, Hello Debugger!*
   By: Nina Zakharenko

   Still debugging your code with print? Learn how to level up your ability
   to troubleshoot complex code situations by using the power of a
   fully-featured debugger in this talk aimed at all levels of programming
   ability. Debuggers allow you to examine your program state, watch as the
   values of important variables change, and even modify the content of
   variables on the fly. Once I gave up using print to debug, my productivity
   as a programmer increased, and yours can too! I’ll showcase the variety of
   debugger tools available - from pdb, the simplest command line debugger
   that’s part of the standard library, to fancy graphical debuggers available
   in Python IDEs. Join me as we walk through real code together using
   debugger tools in a hands-on way to help us diagnose problems and bugs. The
   skills you’ll learn in this talk will allow you to quickly use these tools
   in your own code bases for fun, school, or work.
   - *What the heck's a Pixel and the California Consumer Privacy Act
   By: Sree Prasad

   Even though it's technically only applicable to residents of California,
   the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a major step in comprehensive
   data privacy legislation in the US that affects every single person in the
   US's most populated state. I'll go over what's in the CCPA and why it
   matters as well as share how my team managed to meet all the requirements
   for compliance just in time for the new year (when the CCPA went into
   - *Principles Driven Development - How PursuedPyBear decides what's
   By: Piper Thunstrom

   PursuedPyBear (ppb) is a Python game development library.

   PPB started like many projects: “How do I make my life easier?” Then
   teachers started asking if it could be built for teaching CS. That started
   the project on a path to have an extreme focus on API design and education.
   This distills the concepts that the ppb community have decided matter for
   long term health of the project, and the technical principles that came out
   of it.

Thank you always to our sponsors, including Braintree and JFrog. ChiPy is a
community run event and we depend on generous donations from our sponsors
to make events and activities possible.
If you or your company is interested in sponsoring, we'd love to talk with
you as we update our sponsorships for 2020.

Please be aware of and abide by our code of conduct

Engage with ChiPy
Website: https://www.chipy.org/
Slack: https://joinchipyslack.herokuapp.com/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/
Github: https://github.com/chicagopython/chipy.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicagopython
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT372EAC1orBOSUd2fsA8WA
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